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If you haven't guessed the theme of this page yet, it's a list
of pages I go when bored/procrastinating. These are tried and true
methods of wasting time! If you're trying to avoid doing something,
I'd encourage you to explore the sites on this list.
The Onion is a joke newspaper along the lines as the Enquirer only
funnier. A disadvantage to this site is that the fun often comes
at the expense of someone else, so readers might take offense at
some of it. It also isn't intended for younger readers.
I love role playing games and this a great page for getting
info on oldies-but-goodies to the lastest. They offer midis, fanart,
packaging info, FAQs, reviews, and more. Whenever I'm stuck, this is the place
I go first.
Reflecting a bit upon my morbid side are the Darwin Awards. This
award is given to "individuals who have given their all in an effort
to improve our gene pool." In other words, stupid ways that people
have died. You just can't help but shake your head a most of these.
This page of full of entertaining ways to waste time. Personal
favorites are the dialect engine (that allows you to convert your
webpage into Hick, etc.) and the Book-a-Minute. (The summary for
the Odyssey is great). Be sure to set aside a lot of time for this
page, or plan on many visits because it's huge.