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Emily Puckett

I asked Emily about her drawing style, and this was her response:

Umm.. motivation? Well, I've drawn all my life and once I got into anime I fell in love with that art style.. Haruka is my favorite senshi for several reasons so I draw her most of the time but I also enjoy drawing other senshi in meaningul poses and such. I was never into fanart much until a friend of mine showed me her stuff and it incorporated her own drawing styles with the familiar characters. That really appealed to me.. so I experiment with different styles in each of my drawings and try to get a little bit of her personality I see from the animated and drawn characters into my drawings.

As for technique.. I don't have any fancy compputer programs so I just ink the drawing and then color it with pencil. Sometimes I use markers... all the old fashioned way. Sometimes I incorporate different mediums like construction paper or utensils like paint pens into my pieces but usually it's pretty straightforward.