College Life Omake Theatre 3 Midterm Report Friday night, Cafeteria There was an air of relief at the geek's table tonight. Another week had passed with only a few casualties, such as Dan's experiment on how much electrical current some selected cafeteria foods could conduct not quite going as planned. Beans set her tray down before taking a seat next to Andy. "What's up for this weekend?" John asked between bites of spaghetti. "As much Final Fantasy as I can fit into the weekend," April said happily. She had received a Playstation from her family as a birthday gift and was anxious to catch up with all those who had owned one for months. "Anything but studying!" Dan said with a weary sigh. "I barely survived Monday." People around the table offered their condolences at his poor luck this week. Not much had gone right for him. This weekend would be a much needed break. "How about you, Beans?" John turned towards her. "I have a Japanese midterm due Monday. A five page report written in Japanese." She slid further into her chair while grimacing at the thought of the work ahead of her. "So we'll be by your room to pick you up to watch some movies in the lounge at 7, right?" Andy winked at her. "Don't even tempt me," Beans shook her head. "I have to keep my nose to the grind stone this weekend." ***** Temptation did come knocking on Beans' door not long after she returned from dinner.