Beanie Visits Barnes & Noble One night, while being perilously close to being eaten alive by boredom, Beanie decided to go out and look for something to do. She already established that she didn't want go to clubbing, or cruising, when a flash of inspiration hit her. Beanie: "Itai.. x.x" "Quest to Barnes & Noble, my child, and boredom shall not find you," the voice inside her head invited. Indeed, Beanie had not been to the bookstore for a while, but it was a risky proposition. The bookstore would surely test her will against finding companions to accompany her home. "It's Saturday night. I have no social life. I'll go to the bookstore!" She decided. Upon entering Barnes & Noble a hail of trumpets welcomed her to her third home (after her physical one and the public library). She made a beeline to the Graphic Novels section to scope out the latest releases. Disappointed with what she found there, she moved over an aisle to the Science Fiction. There, she found the altar to Anne McCaffrey. "Su-sugoi!" She fell on her knees before the display and paid her respects to her most beloved of Authors. "I'm not worthy!" Her fellow patrons glanced at her with mild concern as streams of tears flowed freely down her cheeks. McCaffrey had recently released a new book that she did not own. This brought her much joy coupled with sorrow... Happy that new material was out there, but sad in that she was resisting the Force wanting her to buy a new book hardcover. "One day... one day... *I* will be like Anne! *I* will have books with my name on them on the bookshelf! One day, a college student will face the same trials as me: rejoicing, but unable to afford hardcover!" Beanie bolted to her feet. "Makenai!" Her fellow patrons were quite terrified by now, and quickly inching towards the nearest exit or section further away from her. A small voice in her head encouraged that her dream was a feasible one. There were enough Amanda Anderson's out there in the world that *one* of them would get published and then she could see her name on a book. She promptly squished that little voice for missing the jest of her motivation. Feeling inspired, she moved along to the Writer's Resource section of the store. After gazing upon the multitude of shelves, she decided that tonight wasn't the night to explore that avenue and continued on to the Gay and Lesbian Literature. This section was always one she felt like slinking around. Not because she was ashamed to be caught there, but because reading the titles of some of the books often caused her to blush. Such classics as "Great Gay Sex", "The Leather Man", etc. were mixed in freely with philosophical and motivational books. A book by the title of "The Construction of Homosexuality" whimpered at her from the bottom shelf. Kneeling down, she picked the book up and leafed through it. The contents appeared to be as dry as the title, but the subject was interesting. She put the book back and prepared to leave since the store was closing in 15 minutes. Walking away, the book followed her, whimpering as it was going along. She picked it up again, speaking softly to it, "I'm sorry, but I must resist the Dark Side and not buy you." The book licked her face (without leaving a papercut) and nuzzled up against her lovingly. "Ara... Fine, you can come home with me," she carried the book with her to the front. The book flipped its pages happily and kept close to her. Beanie set the book and her Card of Plastic on the counter. The employee scanned her new companion, the Card, and then inquired as to if the Card was hers or her mother's? Somewhat aggravated with the frequency in which she's asked this question, pulled out additional ID. [1] The book wiggled as it sniffed around the bag Beanie carried it home in. It was happy to be out of the store. Beanie was happy to welcome a new companion into her home. Beanie and the book lived happily every after. The End. [1] Other trouble spots include Costco, at which the employees question how a bean of her youth can be in possession of a business membership...