February 5, 1998 Saino ga aru -- talented Sora -- sky Characters: (Japan) Skye Reynolds -- Gaijin from US Kenji Takagawa -- Director of Nippon Parapsychic Centre Aya Takagawa -- Kenji's daughter Rica Takagawa -- Kenji's wife Yoshi Omoi -- Advisor to Director of NPC Megumi Hiyama -- (brain) Megumi's father -- Racist towards gaijins Yuri Ikone -- (ditz) (US -- Seattle) Amy Richardson -- Girl at Seattle branch of PCs, niece to James Richardson Heather -- Amy's best (only) female friend Sam -- Heather's boyfriend, bully to Amy Mitsuru -- Amy's mentor, transfer from NPC (US -- Washington, DC) James Richardson -- Head of the PC on world level & Director of Washington DC Centre (My notes ^^;) Emerald, diamond, sapphire -- Skye's ring. Note: Though in Asian cultures it is family name first and then the given name, for this story I have made it given name and then family. This is done for consistency and the English speaking reader. * * * * Gaijin Part one: Skye Reynolds Tokyo, Japan "Kon'nichi wa Kenji-san. You wish to see me?" Kenji Takagawa looked up from the papers on his desk mildly surprised. Not so much at the young woman's sudden appearance, one gets used to that, but at her skill in doing it so silently. "Skye-san, your timing is superb as usual. Please sit." They were in his private office on the fourth floor of the administrations building. The sight from his office overlooked the entire complex that held a breathtaking view of the surrounding area. The gaijin before him nodded briefly, then sat in the chair across the desk from him. He needed full control in this conversation and he couldn't have that with her towering above him. "I have an assignment for you." Her head cocked slightly at her piqued interest, though her facial expression did not change. He took a breath and prepared himself for the storm that was sure to break loose at his next words. "I am assigning two new Saino ga aru to you. You will be their mentor." "What?! You know how I dislike kids!" "Sit, Skye-san," he said calmly while meeting her angry gaze. She turned her glare away after several tense moments. She lifted her hands from where she planted them on his desk when she stood to protest. Still angry, she sat again and combed her left hand through her short hair. He allowed her time to recompose herself. Insanity, it was, to assign two innocent schoolgirls to this gaijin-sempai. Skye's skills with children were well known, and to be avoided if at all possible. His own wife protested for a week prior when it was arranged for her to watch over their beloved daughter for an evening. Aya now absolutely adores Skye, much to her chagrin. "That's insane Kenji-san. I'm no good with kids and you know it." He bowed his head to acknowledge what she said as true. "Hai Skye-san. What you say is true, but you are the best one in this case. Besides, two 14 year old girls are hardly small children." "What do you want me to do with them? How far are they in the program? Do you--?" He held up a hand to halt her line of questions. "They are new to the Saino ga aru. You are their first mentor. Here is a disk with their files on it. Teach them the Force Ball." She was startled. "So soon? All right, if you say so," she accepted the disk from him. He rose from his desk to escort her outside. She picked up her helmet and followed. This gaijin was a prime example for keeping them all out of the country: impudent, brash, arrogant, and lacking in manners. Her speech was crude and dishonored the elegance of his native tongue. She was confident to the point of cockiness. She was tall by American standards. Muscular and athletic with short sand colored hair that was in the style of a man. Her clothing matched her American tastes. Today it was jeans with a black riding jacket over a white tee shirt. She is the perfect corrupter of Japanese youth. He laughed under his breath. Image was everything. She got onto her motorcycle and her placed a hand onto her shoulder. "One last thing, Skye-san." "Hmm?" "Rub off on them." She gave him a puzzled look and moved to stroke her hand behind her head. The fingers of her left hand only brushed against the short shaven hair on the back of her head before she yanked her hand forward again. She shook her head, then smiled slyly at him. "I would never corrupt a new borne pup." He smiled slightly. "Of course not." "Please tell them that I will meet them after school tomorrow." "They will be so informed." She buckled up her jacket. It had cost him much to bring this gaijin to Japan. But it had cost her even more to come here. With her helmet on and bike started, she winked at him, then left the grounds. He bowed to the departed bike. "Gomen nasai Amy-san." * * * * Skye returned to her apartment in the city deep in thought. She had taken Kenji's assignment rather well, but for him to even give her a training assignment at all meant that something was special about these two. Habit lead her through the routine of parking her bike and going up to the fifth floor via the stairs. She slipped her boots off outside the door to her apartment. It was a habit she'd acquired after arriving here. Jacket, keys and helmet were all put in their proper place before she went into the kitchen nook to make some tea. 'Another habit acquired,' she thought to herself. 'This place rubs off on you. And Kenji wants me to corrupt them. It'll probably go the other way around.' Her apartment was spacious by Japanese standards, but was definitely the home of a gaijin. The main living space held a couch that was a hide-a-bed. A traditional low table for meals. Though, at first, it annoyed her to eat meals while on the floor. There were multiple sets of shelves that held many volumes of books in both English and Japanese. At one end of the room was a modest entertainment center with TV, VCR, stereo, and game system. At the other end of the main room was the kitchen nook. The main room had two doors leading off to the right. One was the lavatory of a gaijin containing a toilet and a shower with no bath or Japanese urinal. The other room was a computer/storage/pantry room. It was this room that she entered with the disk Kenji gave her and her tea. After loading an audio CD into the computer for some music, she pulled up the files on Megumi Hiyama and Yuri Ikone. "Augh, they haven't even finished the preliminary reports yet," Skye said disgusted. "They must be as new as a just borne pup." "Name. Age. School. Past grades. I would have loved having either one of their grade points when I was in high school. Hum, grade level would be 8th in the US. "Doesn't have family info yet. I guess they're not going to the centre until after they passed the exams for high school. "Kenji you weasel. Giving me two impressionable girls. Their families are going to hate me after this! Ah well, it'll be fun," she sat back from the computer and finished her tea. * * * * "Daddy, Daddy," Kenji was greeted at the door of his apartments by his little shooting star. He removed his shoes then picked up the happily squealing girl. "Daddy, guess what I learned today," she begged. "Um, why koi live in water?" She giggled, "Nooo." "Why the sun rises in the east?" She shook her head at him. "Silly Daddy. I learned some new kanji. Would you like to see?" "Certainly, but perhaps it would be better to show me after supper when we read together." "Okay!" He put her down and she ran off after the cat. "You're such a compassionate man," a female voice said from behind him. He turned and smiled at his wife. "How can I not be when I live with the two most lovely ladies in all of Japan?" She blushed, then hit him lightly with a dishtowel. "Flatterer. Supper will be ready soon," she returned to the kitchen. Kenji sat in his favorite chair and leaned his head back to relax. Life was fair and luck was running his way for the time being. He smiled at himself: there is not such thing as luck, only good planning. Plans he had laid out years ago were finally being pulled together. For eleven years he has been the Director of the Nippon Parapsychic Centre. His rise to the top had been rapid and turbulent, but his reign has brought forth the stability that was lacking in the former Director. His first priority upon taking up the reigns was to reclaim the lost prestige that came with being Saino ga aru. Many saw them as fools, fakes, or freaks. Few believed that there could ever be something beyond a man's physical senses. He was one of them. It came upon him when he was 14. It was like a sudden understanding of others that allowed him to get along with the most anti-social of people. His teachers were amazed at the depth and maturity this shy lad had suddenly acquired. One teacher recognized it for what it was, a lad coming into his talent. He contacted the centre and arranged for Kenji to be tested. The results were definitely positive with talents in the areas of empathy, telepathy, and kinetics. His life has been dedicated to the prosperity of the centre ever since then. By 18, he was one of the centres most respected and skilled talents. But things were not going well in the hierarchy of talents. The ones in power decided to use their skills for their own profit. Their talents could as easily be used to harm as they were used to aid. The former Director was removed from his position in dishonor when it was uncovered that he hired out dishonest talents for the purpose of industrial espionage. Many had been excused from the service of the centre for their parts in the plot. Positions were left open on all levels of administration in the Nippon centre of the world wide parapsychic organization. James Richardson, of the world headquarters in Washington DC, had appointed him director once his loyalty to the preservation of the Saino ga aru had been established. He was 19 then. Plans for rebuilding their shot credibility included strengthening their bonds with the government organizations that were their largest clients. To do this, he recruited the talents that would be of most use to this end: precogs and kinetics. The former because they could foresee a disaster before it happened, and the latter because they were the best equipped to do something about it. His plan worked wonderfully, especially during the times when typhoons were most likely to occur. Hundreds of lives and millions of yen in property have been spared through their efforts. The centre's reputation began to upswing once again. "Kenji, will you please help Aya wash up for dinner?" His wife's voice pulled him out of his reminiscing. He got Aya washed up and brought her to the table. His wife served them their meals. "How did things go today?" His wife, Rica, asked as he ate. "I assigned the two new girls to Skye Reynolds," he said simply. "Oh, Kenji, don't you think that's a little harsh on them? Skye is a wonderful person, but leaving her to train two naive girls?" Kenji noticed the look of concern that Rica always had whenever he did something that she considered rash. "Don't worry!" He laughed. "I've already taken her into account. Everything will work out perfectly this way." "How do you mean?" She asked skeptically. "Rica, think of it, I've been looking for a reason to get Skye onto the council. As a mentor she can sit with the council plus have voting rights. "It will be okay for the girls because I want her to taint them. We need talents with their skills that aren't as reserved as Japanese school girls tend to be. They will either be broken by Skye's tendencies or strengthened by the struggle of resisting her." "That's cruel, Kenji, but it should work," she admitted after a few moments of thought. "I know it will. I hope you don't mind having Skye taking these two off of your hands for you." "I can't expect to be a mentor to all of them," she smiled at him. "But your methods leave me feeling guilty for leaving them to her whims." He placed his hand on hers. "Everything will work for the best. I don't have to be a precog to know that." * * * * Megumi stood outside the front gate to her school with her book bag held out in front of her. She glanced all about her once again, searching for someone. "The centre said that our mentor would met us here after school today," she said to the girl who stood besides her, her best friend, Yuri. "I wonder what our mentor is like. I hope he's good looking!" Yuri radiated excitement at this new experience. Her open approach towards everything had left her vulnerable to manipulation, but not as long as she was there to watch over her. "You don't need any more guys to chase," Megumi reminded her friend. "But that's what makes life fun!" Yuri said dreamily. "Hi there, girls!" They both turned around quickly to see a young woman gaijin walking leisurely up to them. She was well dressed in the current American fashion. They were the sort of things that their parents had forbidden the two girls from every wearing. "Megumi Hiyama and Yuri Ikone?" "Hai," Megumi answered while Yuri admired. "Good, I'm Skye Reynolds. I am your mentor from the centre. Nice to meet you," she smiled down at them. Yuri giggled. "Sora-sempai," she whispered to Megumi. Skye gave her a tight grin. "I guess you can call me that." Megumi bowed quickly and nudged Yuri to do the same. "We meant no disrespect..." She waved them off. "I assure you that it takes more than translating my name to Japanese to offend me." "Arigato Sora-sempai," Yuri grinned. "There's a cafe near here. Let's go there and become better acquainted," Skye suggested. She led the small group to the place she had in mind. Megumi and Yuri followed several paces behind her. "What do you think?" Megumi asked of Yuri. "A gaijin sempai? It's so unusual. We're so lucky!" Yuri gushed. "Be serious," Megumi scolded. "I am!" Skye lead them into the cafe and sat at a corner booth. She had heard every word they had whispered on the way here. It encouraged her. 'They're like many schoolgirls I've met, easily impressed by a gaijin. It'll make things all the easier for me,' she gave them her most charming smile. They drank herbal tea while the gaijin opted for coffee. "Tell us about yourself," Megumi said. Skye leaned back comfortably into the padding of the booth. "Well, let's see, you know my name already. I'm from the US, if you hadn't guessed already. I came to Japan several months ago to study at the university." "That's not everything," Megumi said questioningly. "Of course not," Skye sipped her coffee. "But that's the story I'm sticking to. How about you two, ever been out of country?" "I went to China once when I was young," Yuri offered. "Really? Long swim?" Yuri giggled at Skye's joke. Megumi wasn't impressed with her humor. "How about you, Megumi?" Skye turned her glance to her. Megumi noted the lack of her use of an honorary suffix. For her not to use either -san or -chan indicated either a deep closeness between them, which their wasn't, or an insult. Of course, she was a gaijin and probably didn't know any better. This rubbed her the wrong way. That and for some reason Megumi couldn't trust her. Something about her eyes told that she was a woman with many things to hide. "I have never left Japan," she answered shortly. "A shame, we will have to do something about that," Skye commented breezily. For some reason the idea of leaving Japan shocked her. "I love my homeland and am quite content to stay here." Skye smiled over the rim of her coffee cup. "Xenophobic?" She asked slyly. "The world does not need to be Americanized!" Megumi defended. "Megumi-chan?!" Yuri exclaimed. Skye silenced Yuri. "I agree completely," she answered. Megumi was taken aback by this. She quickly smoothed her features to hide her shock. She continued, "But you must also realize that you are entering into a global community. You won't have the luxury of staying home if your skills are needed elsewhere. You both are standing on the threshold of a frightening, yet wonderful life. Enjoy what you have now, and look forward to what lies ahead of you." "I'm not sure that I can live up to such expectations," Megumi admitted, eyes turned away from Skye. "I won't lie to you by saying that it is an easy lot in life. In fact, I was better off where I was before I joined the Saino ga aru. But, now that I'm here, I wouldn't give it up. Few things compare to the life I lead now and the challenges it brings me." She stretched out, then grinned at them. "I hope that I haven't scared you, but, maybe, tickled your curiosity. It's late and you're families will be expecting you." She rose from the booth gracefully and was halfway to the door before Megumi regained her wits and asked, "Sora-sempai, when will we see you again?" "Soon, I'll come around again before too long," she walked out the door with a quick wave. * * * * "How did things go with the mentor from the centre today, honey?" Megumi's father asked her after supper was finished. "Her name is Skye Reynolds. She's a gaijin from the US." Her father's eyes grew wide as he absorbed this unexpected news. He had been receiving quite a bit of that as of late. Never would he have suspected that his only daughter was talented in a way that the Saino ga aru would be interested in. It was at the request of the centre that all school students within the district be tested for talent. He was proud when he learned that his daughter had some of the elusive talent. Ever since her mother died when she was 7, he has struggled to raise her in a way that would bring honor to the family. As he understood it, her main talent laid in kinetics while she had minor talents in empathy and telepathy. No talent had just one skill that much he has picked up from the booklet the centre had sent to him. Everyone had been very understanding of his concerns for his daughter, and had all gone out of their way to quiet his fears. They had assured him that everything would be provided for his daughter. He didn't quite understand how they could do this, but he trusted that people such as them had a way. But this! "A gaijin you say. How long has she been in Japan?" If it's been years, then it might be okay. "She say several months, though she didn't mention specifically how long." He may need to call Director Takagawa tomorrow, until then. "Just remember what I have taught you about gaijin, Megumi." "Don't trust them?" "Hai. It's for your own good. Gaijin bring nothing but corruption to our beautiful country. Look around and all you see is the influence of the gaijin. They haven't earned our trust, never give it to them blindly. Understand?" "Yes, Father," she then retreated to her room where she could sort-out her feeling on the matter. * * * * Skye was bathed in the soft moonlight while seated in a comfortable chair in the darkened lounge. 'It is nearly as bright as day,' she thought. Absently she played with the ring that was on her right hand ring finger. It was so different, to watch the moon illuminate a land which she did not belong to. She was seated in one of the lounges that were a part of the administrative building. It was late enough in the evening that only a few people still remained in the building. Her thoughts cast back into the past. The situation back home hadn't left her much of a choice: go to Japan or suffer in the US. At least here she could hide from the ghosts that haunted her. She held her hand up and studied the ring in the silvery moonlight. It wasn't that much to look at. Design wise, it was rather plain; a simple gold band with three small stones set into it: an emerald, a diamond, and a sapphire. There were etchings on it and her name engraved on the smooth inside of the band. It was a promise with regrets. "May I join you, Skye-san?" Kenji's voice quietly asked from behind her. "If I wished to be alone, I would have asked you to leave 5 minutes ago," she turned to watch Kenji as he pulled a chair up besides hers. "I will never learn how to sneak up on you," he got comfortable in the plush chair. "It's part of my talent," she continued to watch the moon illuminated gardens outside of the window. "Is that what is weighing your heart, your talent?" She sighed. "You're too perceptive. I suppose that's part of it. I don't see what I do as being anything special. It's just another part of me." "You have accomplished something very few have. You have truly incorporated your talent into your everyday living. I tried, for a while, to live as two separate men. But I couldn't and I shouldn't have even attempted it," he admitted. They sat in silence for several minutes while she considered his words. Finally, she asked, "Why did you bring me here? My talents only affect me. They're not global. "You're an empath and can sense how others are feeling. I'm an empath, but can only feel when others are around me. Most precogs can tell when the next typhoon is coming, but I only know things that affect me, and that's usually only an urging to be somewhere or do something. I'm not even that strong of a kinetic. Yes, I can use the Force Ball, but I can't lift cars or anything like that. "What value do you place on someone whose talents revolve on her?" She leaned back into the chair again after her little speech and closed her eyes, waiting for him to speak. A soft laughing was her answer. Curiosity afforded him a sideways glance. "You cannot appreciate your place in the scheme of things. Please trust me when I say that I know what is best." "You didn't answer my question. Why did you bring me here?" She asked again. He looked at her as if the answer should be obvious. "Because I need you, Skye-san. And I cannot have you on my team if you are in another country, can I?" "What about my family?" "What about them? They have nothing to do with my decisions. I wanted you for your talent and now I have you," he stated firmly. She leaned back into her chair and continued to watch the moon. "It feels good to be wanted," she whispered. "As far as I am concerned, you are not a gaijin, you are family," he placed his hand on hers. The strength in it reassured her. He then left her to the moonlight. "Many promises..." she said to the silent room. * * * * Kenji left the lounge to Skye and returned to his office. Her self-doubt had shone like a beacon to his empathic awareness. Grief was one of the strongest emotions, and thus, one of the easiest to track. Skye had her fill of grief over her short 19 years of life. Few have been put through the hell that she has endured and still come out of with her flaming spirit. But every once in a while, self-doubt creeps into her mind. Tonight he was around to help, but this is a battle that will mostly be fought alone. For that, he is truly sorry. It bothered him that she still harbors doubts about the worth of her talents. True, they are somewhat 'muted' compared to the norm. But he is certain that she was one of the overall most powerful talents currently in the NPC and didn't realize it. No one that he had ever met was as attuned to their surrounding as she was. She always knew where she was and where things were in relevance to her. Even though she claimed no skill in knowing the feelings of other, he had witnessed her demonstrating that very talent on multiple occasions. Her precog skills were probably the most underrated of all. He knew of many men who would give up everything just to know their futures. Skye often knew what was going to happen to her and took action to get the desired result. It was such a part of her now that she rarely realized that she did it at all. The most impressive use of this skill that she had demonstrated for him once was when she had him throw a 6-sided die with her calling the outcome before hand. She had gotten 20 out 20 passes right. Fortunately, she does not gamble, or the centre might have taken restrictive actions forbidding it. It was a combination of her precog skills and her awareness of her surroundings that made her a fairly reliable finder as well. She joked about only being able to find missing car keys, but she could always find whatever she was looking for if she was dedicated to the idea. It was a matter of faith in her skills that influenced how well this one worked. If she believed she could do it, she did it. Her kinetic power was not one of the strongest he had seen, but it was there. In fact, all of her talents appeared to be equally balanced instead of the usual one strong talent and a couple minor ones. She had easily mastered the Force Ball, and had expanded on its use quite a bit. He learned from her example that the greatest restriction on the Force Ball was the talent's imagination. She has used it for everything from an offensive weapon, to a lock pick, to a yo-yo, and as an overhead light. Creativity was the key, and that was part of the reason he wanted her training the girls. The only missing part in her repertoire was telepathy. As far as anyone has been able to determine, she was both deaf and mute to the language of the mind. Besides her self-underrating of her talents, it bothered him that she still dwelled on thoughts of her family. Few have ever been as truly wronged by their family as she had. She had come into her talent early, around the age of 9 when most came into it between the ages of 13 to 15. This had scared her parents. They, of all people, should have expected it and supported her. You cannot stuff a talent back into its box once it had been released. But they had tried, and she suffered. Once she had told him that, 'I knew that there was something more for me, something more to me, but it ached not knowing what that was...' Her words echoed in his head for several days afterwards. It hurt him to even think of being without his talent. They had stripped her of her wonderful gifts and expected her to live a 'normal' life. She lived knowing that she was not a whole person: only a shell. Time had eroded the barriers and the shell broke.... But that is in the past. She was here now, where she would be spared such petty things. No one at the US centres appreciated her talents or else they would have never allowed them to be repressed. She wouldn't have been allowed to leave the US to join his centre if they had even a hint of her true talent. It had taken him 10 years, ever since he was named Director of the NPC and first heard her tale, to bring her to Japan. He wasn't going to release her back to the US centres once they realized what a mistake they had made. Hopefully, she would decide to stay here on her own. All she needed to bloom into her talent was the encouragement she had always been denied. And he would make sure she got plenty of that. * * * * It was a beautiful day to be out and about, Skye noted, as she downshifted her car to take the fast approaching corner. It had taken her a while to get the hang of everything being mirrored, from the cars on the left side of the road to the stick in the left hand instead of the right. She grinned. That she hadn't minded at all. The world was too right hand dominated as is. Today, two days after meeting Megumi and Yuri, she was going to pick them up from school and take them to the centre. There were things that needed to be explained before she could begin to teach them how to use their talents. Fortunately, their talents were pretty much that same: strong kinetics with a touch of empathy and telepathy. She couldn't teach them how to best use their telepathy since she was 'deaf,' but she was sure they would stumble into it or else have Kenji's wife, Rica, show them. She came to a stop in front of the coffee shop where the two girls were waiting. Both climbed into the backseat and remained silent during the ride to the centre. 'Maybe they've already figured out the telepathy,' she mused. In the mirror, she caught their looks of awe as they entered onto the grounds of the Nippon Paraphychic Centre. 'Their testing must have been done at one of the branches if they were stunned at seeing the place,' she figured. The grounds were rather impressive. The centre often reminded her of various college campuses she had visited. There were several multi-story buildings spread throughout the grass and tree covered area. Set into the hills at the far end was the apartment building were most of the talents associated with the centre lived. Including their beloved leader and his family. She wondered again at how it was that she got to live in a private apartment in the city while the Director lived on grounds. Especially since the centre had made the arrangements and was picking up the tab for them. She pulled into the parking garage. Then lead them on a brief tour of the grounds. She figured it was like a college campus tour, quick overview, and that they'd figure it out when they needed to go to that building. The tour left them in the centres' garden. She loved the peaceful scene of the grasses, bushes, and trees all helped to build. This was a place for relaxation and contemplation. It is in this setting that she will answer their questions. She claimed one of the benches by the fountain and had them sit while she sat across from them on the fountain's ledge. "I brought you here today so that I could answer any questions you might have in regards to being a talent," she began on a neutral subject. Neither one seemed to be bursting with questions, so she continued. "Firstly, I'll begin by explaining, what a talent is. I'm not sure what they covered with you when you were tested, so I'll go from square one. "A talent is someone who is tested positive for parapsychic ability. Now, it is not just that, because everyone has at least a little, which explains things such as a 'sixth sense.' What makes talents different is that their potential ability is at a level that is controllable in a conscious state, not just instinctual," she stopped lecturing to see if they were still following her. The only noise was that of the splashing water behind her. The girls were bored, she was sure, despite that they were paying polite attention to what she had to say. It was an unexpected experience considering how rude, by Japanese standards, American students could be. She knew of several teachers that would love to have two such attentive students in their class, if even for a day. She forged on ahead to cover the momentary pause in her explanation. "There are many different types of talents. In general, a person will have one stronger, main talent and one or two weaker, minor talents. "Here's a quick rundown of some of the different talents that are currently stationed at the centre. Many are kinetics. That is the ability to manipulate physical objects by only using your mind. That's the main talent for you two. "Telepaths are the ones who can 'hear' other telepaths with their minds. Though some can only send or receive. Only about half of the talents here have it in any proportion. "Empaths are along the same idea except instead of hearing thoughts, they sense emotions. It's hard to hide things from a skilled empath. "Precogs can tell the future. It's important that you understand their limitations, because many don't. They can't tell you your future or say an earthquake is going to happen 25 years from now. What happens is that they usually get a 'warning' of something happening by way of visions anywhere from 3 seconds to about 5 days before the event occurs. "With enough time and skill at locating when and where, the centre can alert the proper authorities. The process is helped along by the fact that usually multiple talents will have different visions of the same event. "Finders, well, find things. Some are better then others and some have their limits. Like how some will be especially attune to finding people while others do best while looking for cars. Precogs can also be attuned that way. And telepaths are often more attuned to certain other telepaths than ones from, say, another centre that they haven't worked with much." She leaned back some. That actually came out pretty well considering that speech, especially in Japanese, isn't one of her strong suits. She watched the girls as they thought about what she had just said. They sat that way for several moments before Yuri spoke. She nearly cheered to see one ask a question. "Sora-sempai, how many centres are there?" "Well now, let me think. I'm sure that I'll miss a few, but here it goes. The headquarters is in Washington DC, plus there is another US centre in Seattle. The NPC is the only one in Japan. There are centres in Buenos Aires, Montreal, Beijing, Moscow, Paris, Sydney, Cairo, New Dahli, and Stockholm. There's more, but I can't remember them all off the top of my head. But the centres I named are major ones, their are also minor ones. There are lots of those." "What are your talents?" Yuri asked. "Mine?" Skye leaned forward some. "I don't really have any one strong talent, I'm more of an all around person. Though I do lack any skill in telepathy. You are going to have to go to a different mentor to learn that skill." Megumi glanced at her. Ever since her father had warned her to keep away from this gaijin, her mind has been turning over the idea. She didn't trust Skye, and she wanted to know her motives before going further. "Why did you come to Japan? I wouldn't figure on many gaijin wanting to come here." Skye smiled cockily, acknowledging the polite challenge in her question. "This is a very beautiful country. It has much to offer those who chose to call it home." "Do you call it home?" "No." * * * * "Megumi," her father called her to him as soon as she had slipped her shoes off at the door. "Hai, father," she stood before him with the main room's low sitting table between them. He motioned for her to sit down before he pushed an envelope across the table's surface. She picked up the offered letter. It was addressed to her with the seal on the back already being broken. He had read it before her. It was a list of her courses that she would be attending at the centre. The letter also explained, very politely, that Skye Reynolds was her mentor and the person she was to look to. 'A mentor is someone who will help you grow into your talent and in life as well. Should you have any concerns regarding you talent or otherwise, Skye-san is one whom you are to look to. Consider her as your elder sister.' "You are being foisted off onto that gaijin," her father spat angrily. "I have already put in several calls to the Director. He insists that there has been no mistake and that you will 'gain the most experience from Skye-san'." She met his piercing gaze. The anger and distrust he felt was apparent. "The Director even went so far as to ask if I wished to met her. I wouldn't have that filth in our home. "Megumi, I can only interpret this as your first trial as a talent. You must resist the evil influences of that gaijin, understood?" She bowed her head in acceptance. "Yes, Father." * * * * "Resistance you say? I told you I was the wrong person for the job," Skye spoke into the phone receiver. "Yes, I know. I'm glad you were able to hold your ground against him. I understand. Everything is still a go. "Tomorrow? Yes, I suppose I could," she laughed. "You'll regret this when you get the bill. Bye!" She hung up. "Take the girls clothes shopping, eh?" A smile spread across her face. Kenji had called to warn her about the resistance he had met with Megumi's father. He had been expecting this to happen, only not this soon. The girls hadn't even known Skye for a full week yet. This didn't really concern Skye, mostly to the fact that she really didn't care. If the girls didn't trust her, what did it matter? But their training was her concern, as long as that was true, she would try to teach them all she could. She sighed. This might be tougher than she thought. * * * * The next day, as per instructions, Skye escorted the girl on a shopping excursion compliments of the NPC. The stores she took them to carried more in American fashions and trends. Yuri seemed interested, but hesitant. Megumi was total disinterest. "I don't see what this has to do with our training to be talents," Megumi said dryly as they worked their way through a store. "Strictly speaking, nothing, but you should understand other cultures better. Besides, I'm here for more than just Saino ga aru business, I want to get to know you better as people," she stopped to look over some ratty jeans. They were outrageously priced. In the US they would have been nothing more than a Saturday pair that was worn when one lacked clean laundry. "Then I'll save you time by telling you that this," she motioned around her, "does not interest me." "Ara, Megumi-chan," Yuri latched onto her arm, "let's look around for a while. Some of these clothes are so... different." Megumi sighed before nodding agreement. 'Excellent,' Skye thought to herself. As long as she could keep Yuri interest, she would bring Megumi along for the ride. 'What are friends for?' Skye whistled softly as she followed where Yuri led the group. * * * * It was a week after she had taken charge of the two girls. Skye opened the heavy oak door to the council chamber wide enough to admit her slim figure. This was only the second council meeting that she had been permitted to attend. Kenji had pressed her to join the council, even though the mentors were not required to. He called it a privilege and a duty. She called it a good way to eat up even more of her non-existent free time. She bowed politely to Kenji, who was at the head of the table, before taking her seat. Others filtered into the room with it quickly becoming full. The secretary read the notes from the last meeting. Old business was quickly dispatched. If only her boredom could be dispatched in such an efficient manner. Twenty minutes passes when she suddenly sat ramrod straight. Kenji noted this with interest, though he continued with his planned speech. She scooted her chair back and rose to leave. "My apologies, but I must go find my charges," she bowed respectfully to him and the others present. Everyone was shocked at her rude behavior. No one just got up and left in the middle of a council meeting, especially when the Director was speaking. "Bring them here, before the council, when you return," Kenji ordered. If they were in trouble, which was likely if she was acting this way, they would be safest here. "Hai," she left. His curiosity at what prompted her to leave made him want to join her, but he couldn't. The Director leaving in the middle of his own speech was unforgivable. * * * * Not far from the school that the two girls attended, trouble was stirring. While Japan was relatively free of street crime, there will always be schoolyard bullies. Right now, a group of them were making their presence known. The two girls were surrounded. A dozen arms reached for them, all in a glad effort to follow their leaders' order faithfully. Yuri screamed in fear, but no one was around who didn't wish them harm. Except one. "I don't think that's a very good idea," a voice said from above. The thugs stopped momentarily to locate the source. "Sora-sempai!" Yuri cried out in joy. "It's just a damn gaijin. Take her down too!" The leader called to his thugs. She quickly summed up her situation: six boys, mid teens versus two untrained talents and her. It wasn't fair for them. "Not very smart of you," she taunted as two climbed up onto the roof she was located on. "I'll give you one chance to turn away." "Get her!" She smiled, "I was hoping you would say that." She closed her eyes briefly then held her left hand out before her slightly. A strange light gathered in her hand. It seethed of power and grew larger with each passing moment. The boys weren't smart, but they could tell when a bad thing was coming. She flung the gathered light with a downward stroke. The two that were on the roof with her were promptly returned to the ground. The ball of light then circled around to hit the two closest to the girls. She arched her hand back up and the light returned to it. "Care to continue this conversation?" She asked their leader cockily. He was already a half block away with the rest of his goons. The fallen ones were left where they lay. "Sora-sempai?" Yuri had her mouth agape at the sight she had just witnessed. "Yuri? Megumi are you all right? They didn't do anything, did they?" She dissipated the light ball and jumped lightly down from the roof to check on them. "We're fine, sempai, but what was that thing?" Megumi asked in awe. She leaned against a nearby building, crossing her arms. "Nothing much. It's called a Force Ball after the movie "Star Wars." It is a very important tool that I'll teach to both of you when you're ready for it. But for now, I'm going to take you to the centre to be presented to the council." * * * * "Skye-san has arrived with the two young ladies you requested." "Send them in." Skye led the way into the room with two obviously nervous schoolgirls behind her. She stopped when she was at the end of the long table. "May I present to the council Megumi Hiyama and Yuri Ikone," she announced formally. The girls acknowledged the introduction with small bows. The council members just looked at them as if they were prize cattle at auction. One of the councilors insisted. "Show us what Skye-sempai has taught you." The girls looked to each other, but made no action. "She has shown you how to use your talent, has she not?" He glanced from one girl to the other like a predator eyeing his prey. "She has shown us nothing in that regard," Megumi answered meekly. "Skye!" he growled. "-sempai," she finished. "What did you expect? You give me two pups and you expect attack dogs by the end of the week. They need to be learned in what it means to be Saino ga aru before you dump it onto them. It's not fair to them to do it any other way." "You weren't told to be fair, you were told to train them!" "I am. My way." She snapped bitterly. "I am their mentor and I will decided what is best for them!" She glared around the room, then left. Megumi and Yuri were confused at the scene that they had just witness and didn't know what to do next. "You may leave," the one at the far end of the table said softly. "Arigato," they left through the door Skye had exited out of as quickly as possible. They met up with her in the foyer. "I'm sorry to have done that to you," she said softly. "You weren't ready to be thrown to the jackals." She sighed rubbing the bridge of her nose with her left hand. "That was Yoshi Omoi. He is the Director's right hand man." 'And the one that is most critical of me,' she added silently. "Let's get you two home, it's been a long day for us all," she strode down the hall at a clip that was meant to relieve some of her residual anger. Part two: Amy Richardson Seattle, United States Amy Richardson brushed her hair back from her blue eyes before shifting her gaze away from the window. It was another drizzly day. The weather was consistent for what was to be expected from a Seattle winter morning. She hated it here. Last winter she had been basking in the much more favorable weather of southern California. Last winter she would have never thought of 70 degrees as being warm out. That was before she came to this rainy prison. "Amy," Heather, the girl she was closest to her, came into the room. "Where have you been? Class started twenty minutes ago." "I didn't feel like going," Amy looked out the window again. She was avoiding Heather's disapproving frown. Heather came closer but didn't touch her. No one ever touched her. That had been quickly established. "You're going to get into trouble again." It was a statement of fact laced with concern for her friend. "Good," she mumbled under her breath. "Don't waste your time on her, Heather," a masculine voice scolded from the doorway. A youth in his late teens strode into the room. He placed a hand on Heather's shoulder to guide her away. "Listen to Sam, he knows what he's saying," Amy's attitude became distant whenever he came near her. There was no love lost between them. The sooner she could convince him to leave the better. Sam placed an arm across Heather's shoulders, holding her to him. Amy glanced away from his protective posturing of Heather. Like she could do anything to hurt the other girl. "Nice uniform," he drawled. The irony being that she was not wearing the school issued uniform. Defiantly she wore a pair of faded blue jeans, button up shirt, and loafers. Both Sam and Heather were dressed as was expected. Sam was in a pair of navy-blue slacks and gray sweater. Heather dressed in a knee length pleated skirt that's color matched Sam's slacks. She also wore a sweater that's cut was suited to females. "I'm glad you approve," she nipped back easily. She put her hands into her pockets before pushing away from the windowsill. She continued pass them. "If you'll excuse me." "I don't know why they ever let you in here," Sam sneered once she was past him. She didn't turn around to give her response. "Neither do I." * * * * Amy closed the door to her room before collapsing onto the bed. This was one of the few places where she felt comfortable. The bears that sat on her bed never judged her, only offered companionship. She picked up the bear closest to her head. It showed the signs of age and repeated hugging. She did this now, drawing comfort from the object. "I really messed up today, Patrick. I'm going to get it this time," a tear slipped down her cheek. Only here, in the privacy of her room, would she allow herself this weakness. Almost a woman and yet she felt like a child at times like this. Perhaps she was being childish, but she didn't think so. Life has been difficult and lonely for her ever since she came to this school. Officially it was called a school for the gifted, but there was so much more to it. She was one of the thirty some odd students currently lessoning here. There are also research facilities. The most prevalent branch is the one that applied what was taught here. A knock at the door interrupted her train of thought. "Amy? It's me, Mitsuru." Mitsuru is one of the mentors for the students. He was always kind to her, though she often shied away from him. A few minutes lapsed without her answering the door. "Amy, I know you are in there," his voice held tones of question, concern, and slight annoyance. 'Of course you know I'm in here, you always know where I am,' she thought darkly. "Amy," the annoyance was upped a notch. "Fine," she got off the bed to open the door. A handsome man of Japanese descent stood before her. His eyes quickly lost the look of annoyance to be filled with the kindness that usually resided there. He was older than Amy, being in his mid-twenties while she was in her late teens. She stepped aside to allow him into the little corner of the world that was hers. He sat at her desk with her resuming her position on the bed. "Nice poster," he commented on her newest heartthrob when the silence was beginning to strain. "Thanks," she replied automatically. He shifted in his seat some. He then sighed, stood up, and twisted the chair around while pulling it closer to the bed before sitting down on it backwards. He crossed his arms along the back of the chair. "I hear you didn't go to class this morning," he looked down at her. "Correct," she wouldn't meet his gaze. She chose to stare at the bare ceiling instead. "Are you sick?" "Only of being here," she answered bitterly. He didn't reprimand her. Instead he leaned his chin down onto his arms and regarded her thoughtfully. "And why is that?" He asked finally, his voice soft. She continued to stare at the ceiling as he watched her. This wasn't the first time they had played the waiting game. She knew that he wouldn't leave until they had discussed this subject to his satisfaction. "I don't like it here," she whispered. "I think we've established that much," his tone was kind though his words biting. She glanced at him. His chin was still resting on his crossed arms. His eyes held hers. "I hate being a talent. I want to go back to California and have my life back." "You have always been a talent, Amy," he pointed out gently "It is something you are born with." "Born a freak," she mumbled. "Is that how you see us?" She shook her head. "Not you, Mitsuru. You aren't a freak. You're confident, calm, and mature. I'm... I'm the freak," she looked back up at the ceiling. "How did you ever get that idea? Wait, I know your story. I will tell you this, having a talent does not make you a freak. Is someone who can play the piano well a freak?" She shook her head again. "There is no difference between their talent and yours. They are inclined with music while you are inclined with the abilities of the mind. Both are skills that need to be practiced to bring them to full realization." "I see what you mean," she sat up on the bed, folding her legs under her. "Now, about going to class..." She frowned. "I'm not doing very well in those," she admitted. He didn't need to point out that attending on a regular basis could help. Right now he needed to encourage her to go again without prodding. "I'm behind and Sam is a jerk," she scowled. "He'll make fun of me when he sees how far behind I am." He smiled slightly. "You're letting a boy who is younger than you affect your learning. I wouldn't have thought you so concerned with his hen pecking." She blushed. "As for catching up. I can tutor you until you are up to speed again." "I would appreciate that." He nodded. "Very well then, we will get started after lunch." "Thank you, Mitsuru," she said as he exited the room. He waved to her, calling back, "Change into your uniform too." "Aww man," she flopped back onto the bed. * * * *