* Sailor Moon S Movie As seen by Greenbeans Notes: * This is a VERY biased narration/summery/review. * If you haven't seen the movie, DON'T READ THIS!! My opinions are meant to heighten the experience for those whom have seen it. I don't want to ruin it for those who haven't. * This is NOT serious. If you want a review of the movie, go elsewhere, 'cause this isn't it. * My biases: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto -- way cool. Chibi-usa -- evil demon child. If that's going to tick you off, don't read this. * In this, everyone has a target on their back. So, if you can't stand fun being poked at you favorite Senshi, don't read. Oh, and I do slam Haruka even though she's my favorite :) No one's sacred. * Cursing in this. * It's a good idea to watch the movie before reading this so that I don't lose you in my narration. * The copy of the movie that I have is subtitled by E. Monsoon. * Author's private opinions are in ( ) Author's actions are in < > Events in the movie are in [ ] Quotes from the movies are in " " Tape time indexes are in {{ }} Famous opening line: Let our story begin!!! {{0:00}} Woo hoo, enter the bad guy, er, gal. Brr, hate snow, what's up with that! "Beautiful earth?" Er, I think you've got the wrong planet, we've managed to muck it up pretty bad. Freeze it?! The snowboarders are gonna love you, but the rest of us are gonna think it sucks. [She tosses out 5 crystal/light things] {{1:03}} Haruka at a telescope? When did she get into astronomy? Some hidden talent? Oh! That's not Haruka. Looked like her, and was driving. Augh, freaky opera music to heighten the mood. [Guy goes to where one of the crystal things landed] {{1:55}} [The opening] YaY! Gotta love the classic op song of SM! Damn, the movie had promise 'til Chibi-usa showed up. [Minna's shopping, Rei is playing with the magnifying glass] (That's where that pic came from!) Is that Usagi's face on that doll? [Minako is in the dressing room] She didn't look good in ANY of those outfits! Why are they nodding? The coat looked the best of the given choices. [In the bookstore] Of course Usagi and Minako are laughing their heads off. At least Chibi-usa isn't that bad! Look at that stack of texts! Any college student can appreciate that burden (financially and physically ;) [The punching bag] Hahaha, Usagi got beaned with it. [Minako winding up.] OH! Go Mako-chan! She's da woman! How come Ami didn't get to hit the bag? Won't they let her use a text to hit it with? [Enter the Outer Senshi] Oh, yes! The Outers look so GQ!! (GQ = Gentleman's Quarterly, to look stylish) Not to criticize the Outers, since they rock, but is it me or is most of their height in their overly long legs? Hahaha, love the stupified looks on their faces at seeing Usagi. Not only is she, ahem, er, stupid, she has a stupifying affect on others! Heh heh ;) {{3:19}} [Outside watching tv] That is one frickin' big tv! Wonder if they'd let me hook a Playstation up to it? Final Fantasy VII would rock on that :P [Talking] Super Deform of Usagi and Mamoru on a space shuttle. Er, Luna is half Chibi-usa's height, and Chibi-usa is half Usagi's height?! That's one large cat, or else something is seriously off. "No one loves me," pah! Artemis does, you silly cat! (Ever been to Luna and Artemis's Command HQ? Heh heh. A cool website, BTW :) [Artemis offers to walk Luna home and she refuses] Stupid cat! Pull your tail out of your butt!! He's just being nice! {{4:43}} [Luna walking alone] What is that damn squeaker sound that is made each time she puts a paw down? My cat never did that. Ohh, almost kitty pancakes. Yes! She's saved by the Haruka look alike! {{5:30}} [At the look alike's apartment] Hum, notice, he's wearing a black with white stripes shirt. Okay, I can understand loving *your* cat enough to take care of her, but a stray?! Put her on the floor in a box, or in a chair, but NOT the bed. If it's his apartment, you'd figure he could find something a little warmer to throw around his shoulder than a jacket. Those blankets at the foot of the bed, perhaps :P {{6:38}} [Minna discussing Luna not coming home] Hahaha! Them asking Usagi if she abused Luna. I think it's a give and take friendship myself. Usagi gives it and Luna has to take it :P Heh heh, the SD scene with Usagi complaining is funny. I love it when Rei and Usagi pull their tongues out! Some day they're going to get them tied up together and then where would they be? (Oh! Evil thought: Haruka and Michiru getting in a fight just so they could stick their tongues out at each other. If you follow the previous idea, that could lead to some nasty fights in their home :P) {{7:30}} [At the apartment/observatory] (Wait a minute, that doesn't sound right for some reason. The only other combo of house/observatory that I can think of is Maniac Mansion. Does that tell you anything?) Who feeds their cat candies off of a platter? Is this guy whacked in the head or what?!?! It's not even his cat, it's a stray! Whoa, his lady friend isn't that bad looking. Wait, what'd he say her name was? Himeko? I thought so! Hime = Princess! Hum, he's in the same black and white shirt. Okay, I'm no rocket scientist, but what I do understand leads to me believe that comet debris doesn't look like some sort of beautiful perfectly cut and polished crystal. Besides wouldn't a scientist have that thing in a lab by now. Or is it an apartment/observatory/ laboratory? (Yes, and you'll find the local minute mart in the garage ^_^) Kakeru? Is that his name? I like Haruka wanna-be better myself, so that's what I'll call him :) [Himeko is listing off his degrees] O_O Jeez!!! Physics, Biology, medicine, space engineering, plus doctorates at that. He doesn't look to be that old (as best as I can tell off of an anime character ^_^;) Can we say over achiever, or script writers that got a little over excited about how great this guy is supposed to be? He's a doctor of medicine, and he can't tell when something's not quite right with himself? Hum... I have little faith in his practice then. "First vacation in a year." I was under the impression that vacations were a yearly occurrence. Or do the Japanese enjoy monthly vacations and I just didn't know it. [He told her to leave] Be nice to her, you jerk! [Luna almost blurts out her name] Nah, go ahead and tell him. I'm sure the last thing he would want to do is study you. Maybe he'll stuff you with more of those candies. "Luna" outta how many thousands of things that you could name a cat, he hits upon it. This is setting up his pattern of luck: either right on or totally screwed. He doesn't hit in the middle of the spectrum :P Hahaha Usagi sophisticated! "Star candies are shaped like shooting stars, aren't they?" Now my faith in him is totally shaken. He's the expert and he doesn't know! Even figuratively, it was a pretty stupid thing to say. If I were him, I'd strike against the script writers :P {{12:20}} [Luna sitting outside of the AOL] She's in love?!?! This story is going downhill fast! {{12:43}} [The Ice queen/princess/villianess blows snow at the earth] What is with this opera music? You're never gonna encourage children to like the opera if this is what you're exposing them to. [Snow Dancers go out to freeze planet] Ah, so that's were the idea for the Sky Dancers came from. Kiddin' (Don't sue me) "Time to freeze this planet," that's a good plotless evil. You go do that. (SnD = Snow Dancers.) (FYI: I counted at least 11 SnD's leave to go be evil) {{13:29}} [Minna is still searching for Luna] Lo and behold! They are just where the Snow Dancers chose to attack. Out of the whole planet that they were ordered to freeze, they decide upon 2 city blocks in Tokyo, go figure! Woohoo!!! Enter the canned footage! (Inners henshin total: 1:25:29) Yes! This movie is getting better, enter the Outers! Ack! A guy though the window, I guess that would mean they are done with their tea (notice that Haruka puts her hand on Michiru's arm to guide her away ;) More canned footage! (Outer henshin and World Shaking total: 1:10:72) Go Pluto, love the big sticky! When Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big stick," he was referring to you baby! Canned footage galore! (Inner 4 attacks total: 0:25:84) Okay, I can understand using Supreme Thunder and Cresent Beam, but Mercury what da hell were you thinking?!?! You're using an ice bubble against a SNOW Dancer!! Finally, Pyro enters the fray and melts it. It took 4 Inners using attacks to do what Pluto and Uranus did with 1 attack and a sticky to da head. Of course, I'm not saying anything, just pointing it out.. uh huh... Waitasec, Usagi and Chibi-usa out smarted a Snow Dancer. Guess you can't expect ice to be that bright... Yet MORE canned footage! (Moons' henshin and bad guy speech total: 1:31:14) Spoke too soon, they were dizzied by ice... (Tuxedo Kamen's speech total: 0:11:40) Hey now, that's a pretty cool entrance. What I want to know is, how did he get up there to begin with? Was he just hanging around, sensed danger, hopped a blimp and hoped he got there in time. And when you really think about it, he's got some range to those roses of his! He had to be a good 25yds away when you first heard that old Western style gunshot sound signaling an incoming rose. What a give away! The baddies should be trained by now to listen for it and run when they hear it. What is that top thing he threw? I don't recall ever seeing him use an item like that before and I'm wondering where he got it from... (Moon's attack total: 0:43:75) Augh! You mean for all of S I've been suffering for 43 seconds while she spins around like a top? How did the SnD even confuse her in the first place when her attack requires such gymnatics? Send her to the Olympics if she can bend like that! While I'm on the subject... doesn't their relative power ratings seem just a tad off for this whole scene. I mean, Moon is supposed to be the strongest but Uranus matched her. Couldn't Moon at least get two of them at once and tried to put up a good show? [People unfreeze] Oh, you have GOT to be jerking with me. They unfreeze, go 'eh?', and then walk off like NOTHING has happened. Wouldn't their clothes be wet? Maybe their ears a lil chilled? Something! Sailormoon: "We did it!" Um, no you didn't.. you killed exactly 3 SnD in that scene. What about the 8 others (at least) that the Ice villianess sent out? Total canned footage: 6:28:14 Total length of scene: 9:25:~~ Percentage canned: 68.67% {{22:54}}